
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1647

Lord Fred will not be daunted in his quest!
Lord Fred realised he had said that aloud and began to worry about his own sanity. He looked at the little pug nosed dog and smiled down into its big brown eyes set close together below the tuft of little dog hair held erect on top of its head by a puffy pink bow. "Well, as long as we have you to talk to, Fred's not really talking to himself in the third person, is he doggy?"
The little dog growled low and lunged forward attaching its teeth to his ankle, it started to worry at his leg.
"Ow! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!" Fred screamed kicking his leg about, the little dog flapping with it, hanging on by its teeth. It growled and growled in a cute little dog manner which was lost on the stuffy brit 'Lord' Fred.
"Let go you bastard hound!!!!!" Fred yelled in anger kicking it loose finally to fly across the crevasse and tumble through the dark entry way of the open door.
A concert of growls came from within, and Lord Fred peered into the gloom as he massaged his bleeding ankle through his torn boot, wondering what creatures could be hiding in the dark reaches of the black entryway. Suddenly, hundreds of cute little dogs came pouring out. Pugs, sharpees, toy poodles, shitzus, chiwawas, the list goes on... Some skinny, some fat, some with hair so long they looked like little mop heads, but all were hyper active, perky and barky. And all of them were angry and thirsty for BLOOD. Man blood. He could see it in the red gleem of their soft liquid brown doggy eyes. Fred thought they would just congregate on the edge of the crevasse, barking out their frustration unable to cross over, but they all made the jump. Even the bull dog.
"Back! Get back!" Fred yelled as he got to his feet and began a limping run for his life. He limped away as quickly as possible followed by a, now, hunting pack of curry combed pastel bow wearing killers.

  1. Fred runs back to the machine cavern
  2. Fred turns to fight the little dog pack

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