Death comes in Great Numbers

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 19130

Within seconds Fred is lost, unable to find his way through the twisting dark corridors only Velus could lead him through. He trips and falls in the dim light, slamming his face into the warm, moist ground.

"Could this be the end?" Fred thinks.

The mob of blood-crazed little dogs is soon within feet of Fred, who swings his sword and torch before him, causing the dogs to give pause.

"Come, you mangy mongrels!" Fred snarls. "Servants of the Dragon or not, take heed! Lord Fred is no doggie chew toy! I'll take at least a dozen of you bastards with me before I go!"

  1. The dogs stream forward.
  2. Fred's display daunts the canines, who only continue to bark and wag their tails incessantly.
  3. The ground beneath Fred crumbles apart plunging him into an endless freefall.
  4. The crowd of dogs parts to let a humanoid figure pass. Is it the dogs' owner?
  5. Velus runs forward barking.
  6. Velus runs forward barking. Through sudden unexpected canine telepathy Fred can hear him say "We should spare this human. He did not kill me when he had the chance."
  7. Velus runs forward barking. Through sudden unexpected telepathy Fred can hear him say "Get him! No mercy for the humanoid apes!"
  8. Velus runs forward barking. Through sudden unexpected telepathy Fred can hear him say "Hey, dudes! Reality check! Is this what we're really about?"
  9. Fred gets up and continues running for his life.

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