224:1 -- discuss before declaring

From: David Nicol (davidnicol_at_pay2send.com)
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 16:16:56 PDT

One of the benefits of collaboration is that feedback on
new ideas prevents really bad ideas from getting instantiated.

At one end of the spectrum is consensus with no debate -- the
only things to agree on are the ones obvious to all before any
discussion at all -- at the other end is a vituperative hell where
no-one agrees even though everyone fully understands each others'
points of view.

In keeping with the theme of "the hive mind," I propose that all
rules in round 224 must be seconded before taking effect.  To stop
224 itself from being hypocritical (that role is reserved for the
Judge)rule 224:1 will take effect when it is seconded by another active
player, giving the committee a chance to forward alternate proposals.

Seconding, to comply with this edict, includes a paraphrase of the
restrictions imposed by the rule in question, made to the game forum.

Furthermore, for purposes of keeping active, seconding constitutes play.

Furthermore, for purposes of keeping proposals, discussion, and
seconding straight, a convention of prefixing numbers and titles
in the subject lines will be followed, (and in case of collisions
the number will be incremented in the later posts as received by
the archive. As if that happens.) Relevant discussion may also
constitute play.

I thought about declaring that "all valid play must be sent from
e-mail addresses in domains with valid SPF records" but that may be
premature at this point

-- David Nicol

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