Judgement 180:6

From: Aron Wall (aron_at_wall.org)
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 10:12:11 PST

Ed Murphy wrote:

> Each future rule must contain at least one othernomicreference [entry
> from the 1942 Vladivostok phone book].
> --
> Rule Date: 2002-04-02 07:22:25 GMT

This rule is required to reinterpret at least one fyaphic word.  This word
does not reinterpret any previously existing fyaphic word.  Perhaps the
intent of Ed was to reinterpret what what would be the assumed meaning of
othernomicreference?  The question then is whether or not this counts as
reinterpeting a fictitious word.  As we know, the phrase "other nomic
reference" is not fyaphic, for the words are real ones with standard
meanings.  Now, the word clearly becomes a fyaphic word after it is
reinterpreted, but was it a fyaphic word before?  It could be argued that the
combination of "other nomic reference" into a single word
"othernomicreference" makes it fyaphic.  At the same time it would have to be
maintained that the word othernomicreference, despite being fyaphic, has an
obvious prima facie interpretation that gets reinterpreted as the entry from
the 1942 Vladivostok phone book.  I suppose that this is just barely
reasonable enough to squeek by. VALID.

+1 for perilous sailing near the brink of INVALIDITY, and for thinking of a
clever way to reinterpret a fyaphic word.

Rule Date: 2002-04-02 18:11:43 GMT

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