Re: 169:6 - INVALID +1.75

From: Jesse Welton (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 05:03:48 PDT

Glenn Overby II wrote:
> Validity: On the surface, this looks good.  The problem is that the
> rule excludes certain eligible players in certain circumstances from
> being able to post a valid rule at all.  This conflicts with Regular
> Ordinance 4, which specifies how a player becomes eligible to post a
> rule.  INVALID.

Judge Glenn, I agree with Anton and Gallivanting tripper that the
inability to post a valid rule does not effect a player's eligibility,
and so does not conflict with RO 4.  RO 4 concerns players'
eligibility to post rules, and says nothing about whether those rules
might be valid or invalid.  There is (or used to be) a note on one of
the FRC web pages to the effect that the rule, "This is the last VALID
rule of the round," is legal, winning, and no fun.  I recommend you
reverse your judgement, and we can proceed immediately with no harm

(Also, I have managed to think of three possible outs here, though two
of them are (IMO) horribly unstylish.)


Rule Date: 2001-09-27 12:04:09 GMT

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