A search for escape

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 992

Astra searched for what seemed like ages, wandering the tunnels, trying not to find her companions lest the curse unleash itself in their presence. After days (not that she could see the light of the day) she determined something. She was lost utterly in the caverns.

It was a sad time indeed.

She couldn't fail, though. She was of no use to Lord Frederigo, or poor accursed Velus in this state. If the moon were to rise, she would become a savage beast, and could well slay them. She had to find a way out and a sorceror to cure her.

However, in her wanderings, she almost missed a crack, barely small enough to see through, and streaming through it was a strange light. She went closer to examine it.

  1. The light is sunlight, and the rocks are brittle enough to break through to the outside world
  2. She hears the breathing of an immense beast on the other side of the crack, and can just glimpse the slightest hint of mounds of gold
  3. The light is the light of the full moon. It strikes Astra and she begins to feel very strange indeed...

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