Lycaeon Dead

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 989

The city of Lycaeon had inhabited the furtherst southern point of the lands of Aqularia. This had been the tip of a pennisula that went far out into the Manatarian Sea.

Lycaeon was off the regular trade routes, and thus no one noticed anything was wrong until Dren the horse trained didn't receive his shipment of stallions for his farm. Dren took his three sons with him to investigate what happened to such a valuble shipment. Only the youngest, Dri, came back and he was half insane and missing his right arm.

A thousand men went to investigate what happened and they discovered the entire city had been ... replaced. Replaced with land that had green sand and trees that moved and creatures that spit acid. The thousand men, reduced by twenty due to encounters, had backed up ten miles and created the Lycaeon wall. None was to pass. Fortunately, whatever had replaced the city soon died out, unable to survive in this world's enviorment.

All this raced through Astra's head as she staggered around the cavern. She didn't want to be the tool of vengeance for the entire damn city but the gaes...the gaes was too strong!! TOO STRONG!

Astra managed to tear out two handfuls of hair before the spell settled over her. She dismissed her two companions from her mind and ran for the exit.

What happens now?

  1. We follow Astra as she gets closer and closer to the exit.
  2. We follow Velus and Fred as they search for Astra.
  3. Actually, the spell takes Astra to the city before it's taken. Fred and Velus are dragged along when the tackle her. Uh oh. Everyone is in big trouble. (It's probably a trap of that dastardly dragon. An easy way to dispose of unwanted people...).

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