Into the Inn they go.. again

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 98899

"Between realities?" Will said. "I don't understand what you mean." "I'm afraid that Astra is confused," Minestus said, giving her a warning look. "After all, she has taken a vow of perpetual nudity,[26094] so wouldn't have worn clothes. Just ignore her."

Will appeared as if he would argue, but Minestus waved a finger nonchalantly and he shook his head as if to clear it. And so, reluctantly in Astra's case (she wanted a few minutes with Minestus to find out what he thought was going on and the dangers of her talking about it), Astra, Belboz, Minestus, Will, Phil, and Lil entered the mainway of the Enterprising Inn. Within it was much darker than outside for the windows were all covered with dainty cloth shades painted in esoteric colors. The place wasn't ominous, it was homey. Belboz immediately went to the bar while Astra followed next to Minestus, attempting to get his attention. The three members of the staff skipped after them.

The bartender was a tall man, a caucasian with long green hair. His arms rippled with muscles and the shirt which he wore seemed almost to be ready to burst asunder from those mighty muscles.

"Hi!" he said. "You can call me Mister M, I'll be your barkeep today, how may I serve you?"

Astra couldn't keep her eyes off him, he was an exquisite specimin of a man, more powerful than any northerner and more noble than any southerner she had ever laid eyes on. "I'll have a pitcher of your best beer," she said. There it was again, she was using the same words! Damn it was good to see him again, but this was all wrong...

"Well, Astra," said Belboz. "It's nice for you to order for the group, but I prefer ale."

Astra looked at Belboz with a queer look on her face. "Order for the group? The pitcher is for me, Freddy!" And then she giggled, but then her face fell... why had she called Belboz Fred? It was because last time it was Fred who had been at the bar with her... dammit!

"Freddy?" mumbled Belboz, "what are you--" but Minestus interrupted him swiftly.

"Never mind that," said Minestus, waving at Belboz to shut up, "uh, barkeep--"

"You can call me Mister M," interrupted the barkeep.

"Yes, uh, Mr. M... Belboz here will have an ale... um, better yet, a pitcher of your best ale!"

The barkeep stared then at Minestus, "and you, mage, what will you have?"

"Tequila," Minestus replied, "lots and lots of Tequila."

Mr. M gave them a nod and went about his work, Astra switching between eyeing him lustfully and looking extremely confused all the while.

Meanwhile Will, Phil, and Lil gathered around the trio, eager to hear their tale. Moments later, Belboz began to recount the story over his pitcher of ale.

  1. "...and that's when I encountered the seductress Astra," Belboz says, pointing a wobbly finger at the Aqualarian who had drank more and talked less.
  2. While Belboz tells his story, Astra manages to pull Minestus to the side. "Do you have any idea what the hell is going on here?" she whispers.

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