Kidnapped Harkness

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 95116

"Why Doc!" smiles Jack. "All you had to do was ask me to come...with."
"Oh hush hush hush." says the Tenth Doctor. "We have too much work to do and I did read up on the Earth custom of flirting."
"The Romantic Compendium? I hope so, I wrote them."
The Doctor rushed off, swearing in Trillian. "My old self gets himself out of there just fine, we can't mess that up, he ends up choosing four entirely different Presidents to honor."
Jack followed at a jog. "But I thought they chose ... "
"Yes, yes, yes, but they didn't. Now are you going to help me or not?"
The Doctor ducked into a small passage that Jack never remembered being there. "Okay, okay what do you need me to do?"

  1. "Sontarans in the swimming pool."
  2. "One Dalek in the library. I need it gone. It can sense me, not you."
  3. "Monkeys. Thousands of them. All screaming your name."
  4. "Stephen King's going to be kidnapped during his high school prom. I got you an in as a chaperone. No touching the eighteen year olds! Or King!"
  5. "Be very quiet. I found another control room. Two idiots named Amy and Rory are there. Come look."
  6. "I found your body."
  7. "I found two of you. I think one is trying to seduce the other."
  8. "I found some footage of you hanging out with another me. Shut up, I know you've met more then one of me. This one's female. Shut up."

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