Doctor Who

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 87168

Turns out the Fourth Doctor had gotten his TARDIS well and truly stuck in the granite around Mount Rushmore. And in six hours the first few teams that were to turn the place into a strange church to Presidental faces were to arrive. Jack not only had to help get the TARDIS out of there, he had to find out why simple Earth rock was holding it fast and keep his time-tossed nature hidden for the Doctor won't meet him for many more incarnations yet.

  1. Anyway...two hours later the Doctor and his odd new friend are still digging...the machine is almost out...
  2. Quite instantly the Fourth Doctor recognizes Jack...for a 'timey wimey' ball had completely bonkered up his timeline. Great, now the universe was at risk.
  3. Before Jack could make it to the odd spot on Mt. Rushmore, the Tenth Doctor shows up and kidnaps him.

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