The Ancient One Rises

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 92785

The officer blows his horn in a deafening klaxon call as the ground trembles. Fred calls out to the officer, "Hey! HEY! Cut it out! What the hell is that?" The officer turns to Fred, and raises his fist into the air. The army falls instantly silent as they turn to their commander. With anger in his eyes, he lowers his hand in a pointed finger directly at Fred. Fred stared in horror at the armies who now barreled towards him, "Oh, blimey...". Before he can turn to run, the ground between him and the hoard opens up revealing a cavernous hole that the army collapses like dominos into. From the hole arises a massive figure. The dragon officer laughs and bellows, "Check it out, son! The Ancient one!!!!!"

  1. Fred, awed by the spectacle, trips and falls into the hole!
  2. Fred, who loves crazy stuff like this, tries to communicate with the Ancient One
  3. Fred readies his weapon and turns to face the Ancient One
  4. Fred turns to the smuggler army and tries to rally against them!
  5. Fred wonders if communism might work here...

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Stefan, Dušan, Aleksa, Jelena, Gliša, Frendi

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