Scott Chen Conquers The World

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 90705

Soon Scott Chen is the undisputed Lord and Master of the entire world. What does he do first?

  1. Have Josh shot and killed.
  2. See if he can seduce Sandra Bullock (he is still a gentleman with the ladies. And laddies).
  3. Have George Bush publicly pantsed. Both of them. Every day on the hour.
  4. Start a war with Italy.
  5. Become corrupt and evil.
  6. Bow to his real master, that Mafia chief who controls Rhode Island. Oh shit.
  7. Eat a bug on international tv. A huge squirmy one with green guts.
  8. Give the Pope an Indian Burn.
  9. Scream and run around.
  10. Give it up to marry a 110 pound stripper named Candy Applesauce. Naturally, she's a bit peeved, thinking she could get the Ruler Of Earth.

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