Wirikidor...(from "The Mis-Enchanted Sword")

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 906

Lord Fred ignores the old geezer, who then, angry at this young ruffian's ingratefullness, puts a little...EXTRA...spell on his sword, while he isn't looking...
Later on, Lord Fred pulls his sword out of his scabbard just to do some play-fencing and lunging, for fun, you know--and when he's done, he discovers that he can't put the sword away. The scabbard pushes it away violently every time he tries to thrust it back in! After it almost breaks his arm, he gives up on that idea.
Then he tries to just put it DOWN...and discovers he can't do THAT, either. He can stick it on various parts of his body and it will hang there, like a magnet, but he can't get rid of it!
This is getting definitely disturbing! What to do?

  1. He tries to find the old wizard again and demand that he fix whatever he did to his sword!
  2. He tries to go on with his quest and just ignore the difficulty for now.
  3. He tries to find ANOTHER wizard to take the curse off.

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