Ignore It and It Will Go Away...Yeah, RIGHT!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1011

Disturbed, but determined, Lord Fred goes on. Maybe I have to DO something before I can put the sword down, he thinks. He tries swinging it at random rocks and stuff, nothing. He tries all the magical words he can think of, nothing. He tries singing all the songs in his rather limited repetoire. Despite the fact that all the vermin clear out of the cave with their paws over their ears, shrieking in pain at his horrible singing--nothing. He was getting rather annoyed!
A small lizard bit him on the toe. "OUCH!" he yelled, then thought, Hmmn...maybe I need to kill something and ran the poor lizard through.
"ARRGGHH!" he yelled.
Unfortunately, his yell attracted the attention of some other people who were in the cave--a band of robbers, who were after the Dragon's treasure (not knowing that this Dragon had flunked Treasure Colllecting 101 in college) and were not about to let ANYONE else get it!

  1. Lord Fred faces the bandits.
  2. Lord Fred runs away from the bandits.
  3. Lord Fred attempts to talk the bandits into letting him JOIN their group and attack the Dragon together.

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