A Picture Isn't Always Worth A Thousand Words

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 8953

"But it doesn't look anything like the picture," protested Betty-2, thrusting the book (which she had brought with her) under the Doctor's nose. "Well, of course not," said the Doctor. "That's what this planet will look like in five hundred years time, after most of the population has departed to other worlds. Didn't you bother to read the explanatory text?" "We can't read Gallifreyan, Doctor," Betty-1 pointed out. "Anyway, what's the name of this planet?" Melissa butted in.

  1. "Earth, of course. The year is 2318."
  2. "Rigel V."
  3. "Skaro." "Skaro?! It can't be!" exclaimed both Bettys simultaneously.

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JH (That 'V' is meant to be a Roman numeral BTW)

4/24/2000 12:08:17 PM

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