Is That a Cunning Ruse on Fred's Part?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88914

There was a deep rumbling sound. For a moment Astra thought it was an earthquake, but then she realised that the dragon was laughing. "Your friend and I are about to try to kill each other, and you object to our squabbling?!" he said.

"It's just that the suspense of waiting for the fight to begin is getting on my nerves."

"I see."

"Dragon, how did you manage to chain up Astra?" Fred asked. "I mean, you have paws rather than hands. No opposible thumbs."

"I'm a shapeshifter. I shifted into human form."

"I don't believe you. Show me."

  1. "Very well."
  2. The dragon chuckled. "Very clever, but you don't catch me that way. You'd like that, wouldn't you? No fiery breath, no fearsome fangs or tearing talons. Admittedly I'd have my magic, but that might be too slow."

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