Releasing the mouse

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88792

"Get out of here, mouse," You say. "Run before I change my mind."

"But Fred..."


"But Fred, if you would only listen..."

You're sick of this, you pounce her! Astra runs out of the way.

"I'm hungry!" you yell.

Astra doesn't need to be told twice, she runs. Faster, and faster until you're only a blur in the distance. What would she do now? She was barely three and a half inches tall, in a world full of predators, and the only person who she thought could understand her plight, had refused.

  1. Astra runs back home to her burrow, seeking the help of the mother she was given in this reincarnation
  2. Astra follows Fred the she-cat untill she can find something that will make her change her mind
  3. Astra decides to ask around, maybe another one of the forest animals can help

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