The lingerie store in the dragon's caves

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 87424

The existence of a lingerie store in this particular place was puzzling, but Fred wasn't complaining, dirty-minded person that he was. And Astra thought that some slightly revealing clothes were better than no clothes at all.

However, most of the lingerie turned out to be just as expensive as the armour. Fred asked what he could get for five gold pieces, and was directed to a barrel filled with an asortment of damaged or badly made products, with a sign saying "cheap!" Astra started digging through it looking for something at least somewhat usefull.

  1. Meanwhile, Fred talks to the other personel.
  2. Meanwhile, Fred discovers that there's a whole damn shopping district in the cave with all kinds of stores.
  3. Meanwhile, Fred also tries on some lingerie. Bet you didn't know he swung that way?
  4. The clowns enter the store.
  5. Astra finds something unusual in the barrel.

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