Favor for Favor

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 86873

"A - another favor?" Yarna asked.

"Just so," Belboz smiled inscrutibly. "And," he raised a hand, "Before you inquire what kind of favor it is, or when I might want it done, or anything else, I remind you that those are, in fact, questions."

Yarna pondered this for a moment. If she agreed to it, Belobz was liable to ask for anything at all - and she'd be in no position to refuse him. On the other hand, he was probably her only chance to keep the court mage from discovering the enchantment on her sister (not to mention her knight companion). If that happened, and the old fool was actually able to restore her to life, the crown of Aqualaria would automatically to her - and slip from Yarna's grasp.

And Yarna really, really didn't want that to happen.

"Your majesty?" Belboz said. "I await your answer."

  1. "Very well, Belboz, I accept your terms."
  2. "I'm sorry, Belboz, I simply can't accept the terms as stated."
  3. Just then, the statue of Astra began to glow a soft yellow.
  4. Just then, the statue of Fred began to glow a soft yellow.
  5. Just then, both statues began to glow a soft yellow.
  6. At that moment, the court mage entered the room, surprising them all.
  7. At that moment, Pronklezilch chose to return, surprising (seemingly, at least) only the queen.

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