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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 85690

There are page numbers next to the red column headings, and she flips the book, with difficulty, to those pages. It appeared that some of the passages contain poetry, and some are formulae, and others are morality tales. Still others appear to make little sense. But they were all written in the most beautiful Old High Dolomite, and written such such a way that when spoken, it sounds like music.
--- From Episode 21981

Checkers replied, "What I know of the past of the Eveninglands is spotty, although I am learning more. I translated some of the prophecies earlier, and they either seemed to be gibberish or obvious. You know, things like 'there will be a great war over the mines of Nom Galba.' If enough time passes, of course there will be a war."

The archivist replied, "Do you have that translation ready? I would like to read that. Nom Galba is presently a Hespaniard enclave in the Ryngaerd, but it has changed ownership a number of times in its history. I might be able to date this book if I can read who owned the port at the time."

"I do have that fully translated, but would like to continue work on this. Do you feel like writing out the next page of the index? I still have not found a reference to the poem that I was read in the caves. Perhaps some parts of the book have stronger side effects than others when read."

"I am ready."

The two continued to translate, the archivist writing the Dolomite original on the left column, and the Glider writing a translation on the right. The archivist asked an apprentice for a pitcher of water and a bowl of nuts, and the two worked through lunch, and into the afternoon. About half-way through the fourth page, Checkers said, "Ah! 'The Social Circle'. This is the poem that I read in the caves. The note here is 'To Find a Friend - nearby souls may be transported across short distances to the narrator.' That is what happened. Astra just sort of appeared in the cavern when I was reading this."

The archivist replied, "So not all the entries in the index are cryptic."

"It does not appear that way. I would like to find one for a story that was in the same part of the book. It was one of my favourites. I have to admit that I cried when read it in its original."

The archivist responded, "It was one of your favourites and you cried?"

Checkers said, "It spoke to me. It reminded me of home, and how far away I was from it. The hero of the story feels a lot of the same things that I feel. I want to find out if it has any side effects."

The archivist said, "Like being able to be transported home, for example?"

Checkers smiled wanly and nodded her head slowly. "I have been well-treated here, and I wish that our lands bordered yours. There is so much to learn. But the Gliders of the West, if they ever existed, are long gone. And I wish to see my people again."

They continued to translate. The archivist felt excitement - this book was a major discovery, and he was the first Aqualarian to open this window on the past. Checkers now had one specific goal in mind - find the entry for the story about the traveler. It was only a few pages after 'The Social Circle'. She hoped that she could recognize the title's connection to the story.

Within a few minutes she wrote down an entry. 'The East Wind - For the lonely traveler abroad, who wishes to revisit the homeland, for a short time. Effects depend on the presence of the audience, and size, if it exists."

Checkers put down the pen. The archivist read, and then said, "It looks like you might have what you are looking for. You might be able to read it and go back to your homeland."

Checkers bit gently into her lower lip and nodded. Then she said, "It is very tempting to do so right now. But I cannot be sure whether the magic will work, or work the way that I expect. And I do not want to start without Fred and Astra."

"They should be back from the hunt tomorrow, if all goes well. I would like to hear the recitation myself, if you would not object. I had heard the Lord Fred claimed that it was one of the most beautiful things that he had ever heard, even though he did not understand the language."

Checkers said, "Thanks for your help. If I do decide to read this, I will let you know. And I still owe you the prophecies. If my speech does not work magic, then I have not lost anything, except for the hope that I might not have to re-cross the sea. I think that I have done enough for now. I was supposed to work on that painting with Geluporta. Are you ready to start tomorrow morning?"

The archivist agreed, and walked with Checkers out of the archives, and to a room in the palace. In that room was a woman with curly brown hair, pulled back into pony-tail. She was not of the Aqualarian nobility, but her hands were not calloused. Geluporta was the most famous painter of the time, and was a court favourite. The queen had commissioned her to paint a canvas of the company that came back from the Shreken. Astra, Fred, Checkers, and the company of Allarian soldiers that came with them were the subject of the painting.

Geluporta's painting was mostly complete, but she was not satisfied with it. The men of the Allarian company were easy to do, and she had great fun doing them. They all had subtle difference in character, and she knew that she had captured them well. She was especially proud of what she did with the man on the end, Alec d'Barbenoir. Alec was tall and muscular, with high red cheeks and a large, curly black beard. He fit in well with the Aqualarian court, and had an innate sense of what was considered funny or entertaining without being offensive. While posing for the picture on the first day, Geluporta suggested that Alec stand at the end, in profile, with his shirt open and in tight breeches. Alec said, "My dear woman, I have never looked like this out in public. If I did not know any better, I would think that you are doing this to draw attention to my chest and rear end."

Geluporta remembered that she was about to explain that this pose was a convention for a hero in Aqualarian art, when the queen, who was present, interrupted. She said, "I would say that Geluporta knows exactly what she is doing. And you do look good in those breeches."

Alec's face split open into a wide smile, and he laughed loudly. He bowed, and said, "I will not be difficult, and oppose the good sense of Her Grace." He then bowed and took his place.

The Allarians were now finished, and committed to the canvas. At the centre of the canvas, Fred stood behind Astra, gently placing one hand on Astra's right shoulder, and embraced her left. Astra was a little more work for Geluporta, for she had to please the Queen, and it was important that Astra be portrayed in an appropriate way. She chose to show Astra in the white ceremonial dress of Aqualaria, but wearing the red belt and boots made from the skin of the dragon, as well as her sword. Geluporta was pleased with the composition. Astra had a slight flush of red that showed her love for Fred, but her bearing was correct for an Aqualarian princess.

She was content with Astra's portrayal. But just to her left, there was a white spot where Checkers would be. She had mastered human composition, but capturing the essence of Checkers was difficult for her. The wings were a distraction from the rest of the composition, and she simply did not look like someone who had slain a dragon.

Geluporta noticed, as Checkers introduced herself, that she looked different tonight. It was as if she were in the room, but had something else on her mind that she was thinking about. She appeared to be peering into her future, and thinking about what to do about it.

Gelaporta thought that she might be able to do something with Checkers in this mood. A classical expression of triumph, or power, really did not fit with her features. But that of being deep in thought, and being somewhat alone, even while in the midst of a company, somehow did fit. She asked Checkers to prop one of her feet on a low stool, and place both of her hands on the raised knee. Checkers was about to put the papers that she was carrying away, but the painter asked if she could roll them up and leave them on the stool.

Geluporta brought out a small, clean canvas, and started to sketch Checkers. In the picture, Checkers was leaning forward slightly, with one leg propped up on a rock. From memory, Geluporta sketched in a spear to lay across the rock, as well as the red boots and belt that Checkers had made from the dragon's skin. She also sketched in the roll of papers, giving it the title, "The Defeat of Minestus."

She then started adding colour. She then asked Checkers what she thought.

Checkers replied, "I like it. That spear and I have come a long way. You are not picking up the red in my wings, but no human ever does. Are you going to use that pose for the painting?"

"I think so. Your wings do not distract from the picture, although they are not hidden either. And you look thoughtful. The dragon belt and boots speak to your deeds, as well as the history. With any luck, I should have you sketched into the large canvas when Astra and Fred get back from the hunt, and the picture completed not long after that."

Checkers replied, "It is a very good painting. I passed through a land in the East where some people painted like this, but I have not seen anything as life-like outside of that. I appreciate that you resisted the temptation to paint us all solemn and heroic, like some of the paintings that I have seen here."

Geluporta thanked Checkers for her compliment. A messenger came in, and asked if Checkers was going to come to dine with the Queen and her consort that night. Checkers agreed. She was looking forward to it. She had not asked earlier, but she wanted to know if an Aqualarian countess had obligations, or if this was a purely honourary title, like the membership in the Order of the Red Bottom in Allaria that Lord Fred was hoping would be offered to him by the Allarian king.

  1. Checkers dined alone with the Queen and consort.
  2. There were a number of other courtiers at the dinner.

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