In Which Adele Gets Tetchy

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 85200

Astra tried to get to her feet, but the difficulty now inherent in such a simple action was still a surprise to her. Matthias jumped to his feet and reached out to help Astra, but Adele grabbed his arm viciously.

"She's a big girl, Matthias, she can do it on her own." chided Adele. Matthias gave her a furious glare and wrenched his arm out of her grip. Adele took a step back, shocked at his silent rebuttal. Carefully, Matthias reached down and slid his arm around Astra's waist, hoisting her gently to her full height. When she had gained her balance, the warrior princess looked to Matthias and mouthed her thanks to him. They turned to face Adele, who had her arms crossed in front of her chest, fuming.

"I'm curious." said Adele. "I'm curious as to just how much conversation a mute man and a naked woman can have. I assume you two weren't discussing the mysteries of the universe and its environs. That would take some very sophisticated sign-language, wouldn't it?"

Astra tilted her head very slightly and appraised the sorceress coolly. "This man may be your lover, but he is not your donkey, Adele. We were talking, against which there is no law that I am aware of. You want to know what about? Well, I'm afraid that until you and Elaine stop bickering like schoolgirls and put those inflated magician brains of yours to use in getting that contraption up and running, you're not going to find out."

Adele flushed a deep red, lips tightly pursed. She turned her head slowly, like a screw twisted too tight, to face Matthias. He had evidently lost his impetus in resisting Adele's iron will, and looked at her sheepishly from out the corner of his eye.

"Get over here and help me." she barked at him. "I'm doing this for you, my love. The least you can do is be there when I need you, not indulging in idle chit-chat." With that she spun around on the spot and strode back to the machine. Matthias sloped after her, giving Astra an apologetic grin as he left.

As he watched the discourse between Adele, Astra and Matthias roll to its conclusion, Fred had been unable to resist having a chew on the hunk of cold meat Exotica had handed to him from the chest they had found. It was edible, certainly, and he could feel no ill effects as it slid down his gullet. Eyeing his example, Exotica took a tentative bite out of a dark yellow banana. It was mushy, but perfectly fit for consumption. Fred looked in the chest. Next to the dark brown robes Exotica had mentioned, there was a sizeable cache of victuals. There was enough to last one man two weeks - between all seven of them, perhaps three days. Fred sighed and removed the brown robes from the chest. Ignoring Exotica's quizzical look, he walked over to where Astra now stood alone.

Elaine smiled once more as Adele stomped her way back, face rigid with outrage at Astra's audacity. Elaine fingered her ring thoughtfully, amazed at how the most inconsequential of victories could still lay sweet in her mouth. She had expected for the untold power within her to render her quarrels with Adele utterly exiguous in her mind, but still it felt good to see that two-faced harlot taken down a notch or two.

Adele had noticed Elaine beaming triumphantly, and her scowl somehow deepened. "I don't know what you're laughing at, Elaine." she growled as she moved next to the shiny blue panel in the wall. She pointed at the keyhole in the centre, which in fact was not a keyhole at all.

"Your precious ring goes in there." stated Adele.

Elaine stopped smiling.

Astra stared coldly at Fred as he approached. She had not yet forgiven him for choosing Sigin over her when Elaine had made her offer of restoration.

"We've found some food, Astra." said Fred. "In the chest over there. It tastes alright, so please let me know when you want some. There were also.......these." He held out the robes for her inspection. "I have chosen not to risk bewitchment by wearing them, but I would not deny you the same option. They're yours if you wish."

"I would rather have my arms back." said Astra in a stony voice.

  1. Astra accepted the offer of the robe. But as soon as it was placed on her shoulders, something happened........
  2. Astra declined the offer, unwilling to risk yet more limbs to an unknown necromancer's garment.
  3. Nearly everyone in the room groaned inwardly as Adele and Elaine began arguing yet again.
  4. And right then, without warning, Sigin made his move.....

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