Elaine Gets a Measure of Revenge

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 85151

Elaine put her hands on her hips and glowered at Adele. She was tempted to try to silence her as she had silenced Matthias, but the memory of what had happened last time she tried to take action against Adele stayed her hand. She contented herself with saying: "If you haven't anything useful to say, then you might as well go back to your lover-boy over there."

She turned to point in Matthias's direction, and then saw that the lad was now sitting next to Astra and that the two were smiling at each other. Elaine grinned. "How delightful! It seems that Matthias's affections continue to be fickle, and that the armless Aqualarian is his new love."

Adele's face reddened, and Elaine knew that her dart had sunk home. Adele stalked off and headed for Matthias and Astra.

Meanwhile Fred was looking longingly at the old robes in the chest that Exotica had discovered. "I'd love to put one of those on," he told Exotica, "but I'm not sure that it would be wise. They must have belonged to Belboz. Having seen what his ring has done to Elaine, I'm not sure that the robes would be safe to wear. Also I'm worried about how Elaine would react if she saw that I'd put something on without her say-so."

"How about the food?" Exotica asked. "Do you think that's all right?"

"I can't think of any obvious reason why it wouldn't be. In any case, now that we've lost the provisions that were in my pack, we have little choice but to risk it. If you like, we could let some of the others try it first, and see if they suffer any ill effects."

He looked over towards Matthias and Astra, evidently viewing them as possible guinea pigs, and saw that Adele was bearing down on them. "She doesn't look very happy," he observed.

On arriving in front of Matthia and Astra, Adele:

  1. Snapped at Matthias: "Explain yourself." Of course it was Astra who had to reply on his behalf.
  2. Was in no mood to talk. Instead she cast a spell.
  3. Slapped Matthias across the face. "You traitorous snake!"
  4. Slapped Astra across the face. "Take that, you hussy!"

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