Good Triumphant?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 82576

"Like Elaine told you, Adele'll be fine," Exotica said wearily. "It will take some time for the paralysis to wear off, though."

As Matthias divided his attention between Fred and Exotica, he found it hard to concentrate on Elaine as well. So he was taken by surprise when she suddenly shot a beam of magic at him. He slumped to the floor, paralysed like his lover.

Fred meanwhile was trying to make sense of Exotica's claims. He supposed that it might make sense for Minestus to pretend to be Belboz. But why would Exotica have come to the caves? Surely it hadn't been part of her plan to be chained up naked, as they had found her? And just how powerful a sorceress was she, to have dealt the fearsome Minestus such a devastating blow?

Meanwhile Astra, who was now directly over the still twitching necromancer, was attempting to remove the ring herself.

  1. Only now noticing what she was doing, Exotica cried: "Don't touch the ring yourself! Cut it from his finger without touching it."
  2. Astra worked the ring free from its bearer's finger and held it aloft. "Here's the ring," she said. "Now what?"
  3. Suddenly Sigin...

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