
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 8128

Inside the Master's TARDIS....

"Quant....." one of the visitors mutters, who looked like Janet Reno, muttered. "So....why are we together again, as if I didn't already know."

"It was that event with the elf who tried to do the impossible," a Bill Gates look alike mutters, cracking his knuckles. "Don't try to tell us you blame THAT on us!"

"No, neither the Celestial Bureau of Order nor the Agents of Chaos blame the death of the unenhanced Rule 4564567 and Unenlightened Agent 456457. It was all a matter of them NOT being able to adapt quickly enough....and nothing more. The charges of that universe have been shepherded to the correct each of your facilities. That's what we do when the other Departments find themselves overwhelmed in such cases."

Neither the Agent of Evil nor Good say a thing on that.

"But the thing of this meeting is THIS," Agent 1 shouts, waving a memo at the the others. "Requesting the Highers for a redistribution of Department responsibilities! Well, we just got back the results of that request."

The Agent of Chaos, dressed as a 20th century gang leader (leather and stud clad jacket and hat...and other bricabrac) smiles over at his grey suited counterpart.

"And the answer," Rule 1 says, tearing up the memo and tossing the pieces at the startled looking faces of the Good and the Evil. "There has always been overlaps between departments in this regard. You can have extreme order with the loss of justice....and good. Witness the Nazis of thousands of client creations. On the same hand, absolute anarchy....sorry Agent usually a undesirable thing.....leads to evil acts even. As for the actions of 179 and such.....just remember that the memo passed your desks....and the whole of it had been displayed in the office newsletter BEFORE this all came down. You have the events of the Dark Tower to thank for all the leeway we Rules have gotten. And as for Devil's department complaint about it not being fair.....when has being fair ever been a concern with your own affairs?"

Reno vanishes in a flash of light. Gates vanishes with the smell of sulfur. Both leave insulted.

"That was fun," Rule 1 chuckled. His counterpart smiled, agreeing. "But what of this business with the Time Lords and their Earth?"

"One, you know that every once in a while I get to go about and have a little fun, right?" Agent 1 smiled. "This conflict was coming up between the Master and the Doctor anyway AND they were the last one's on your list to NOT do a Rayek (re: 8057)....else there's a steep price to pay."

  1. "There's going to be a price to pay by whoever actually gets inside this machine first," Rule 1 predicts. "Either the Doctor of the Master are going to have to pay a price no matter what....."

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