
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 76171

Josh does not respond to Astra, being completely focused in on one of the torches. It is a normal torch, with a nicely burning flame. Josh grabs a stool and puts it in front of the torch, then stares into the flames as if seeking the meaning of life.

"Um..." says Astra, coming up behind Josh and trying to see what he is looking at. Staring into the flames, she sees... flames. "Hmm...." she says, and pats Josh on the back. "little pyro.." she mutters, then lies down on the floor for a nap (who knows how long Belboz will be).

After a few minutes, just as she is about to drift off to sleep, she hears raucous laughter from Josh. "Whats so funny?!" she says, sitting up and looking over at Josh... who is on fire.

See, Josh loves staring into fire. He was doing so this time, when a face formed in there and explained why it would be more fun if he took the torch and lit himself on fire. This seemed somewhat odd if not completely wrong but he felt so at peace, staring into the fire, that he did just that!

"Sh*t!" yells Astra, tackling Josh to the ground and rolling him around until the flames are extinguished. Even so, it is apparent he has suffered at least a decent amount of second degree burns. He continues to laugh and then finally passes out. "Belboz!" she yells. "We have a problem!"

Indeed they do...

  1. Belboz comes running in, grumbling "I wasn't finished, you damnable woman!"
  2. Belboz yells out "Almost done! Don't interrupt me!". Astra waits.
  3. Astra looks in the cabinets for some salve.

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