Tender Fetuses of Joy - The Saga of Josh & Belboz & Astra

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 76170

“Besides,” he added, “we have other business which demands our immediate and undivided attention! The UnRaveller’s brats have our beloved Fred, and there’s no telling what they will do to him. But first...I have to take a...poopy.”

Astra applauded the knotted old codger. “Wow. That’s the first one in how many months?”

“Three,” he answered. “Three looong months. I feel I am stuffed full of more shit than a Holy Day turkey.”

“Indeed,” the princess mused. “So the prune juice worked, eh? I told you it would.”

The necromancer hobbled over to the coffee table and swiped up the latest edition of Necromaniac Weekly, with the corpse of some famous celebrity on the cover being defiled by some popular new occultist. “Yes yes,” he said begrudgingly. “The prune juice worked. I’m sorry I doubted you. There? Happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?”


“Grumble grumble grumble,” he grumbled. “If I’m not back in 30 minutes...leave me alone. These things take time.”

And then there were two.

Oh dear. This was rather awkward. “Soooo, Josh,” Astra said in a weak attempt at breaking the defining silence. “How have you been...lately?”

Josh, however...

  1. seemed distracted by one of the torches that lit the musty subterranean chamber.
  2. was nowhere to be found
  3. was curled up in the corner, crying.
  4. was naked as the day he was born and snooping through the necromancer's potion cabinet.

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