run, scott, run!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 75414

At first Scott does not even notice anything strange, floating on the high of the information he had received from his future self. But, as he nears his grave, his eyes focus on the two children standing there. They are wearing filthy old-world style clothing, and holding hands. The boy and girl are looking into space by his empty grave, and warning bells go off in Scott's head.

"Someone is breaking the rules, Scotty boy" says the boy softly, turning his eyes, black but swirling as with a dark ink, to look at Scott.

"We get to break the rules too, old friend" says the girl, smiling quite unnaturally, exposing large and sharp teeth. Her eyes are just like the boys, it is quite maddening.

Scott feels a very tangible sense of fear as they turn to face him and take a single solitary step forward. "Who are you?" he asks, tightening his grip on the book given to him by his future self.

"That's one." says the boy, taking on the same horrifying grin as the girl. "Answers given will be answers paid, we are two of the Children of Ungoeth." Their voices are that of children, but with a dark and evil echo and undertone. Scott feels the maddening terror of mindless fear creeping up on him, and fights to keep control.

"I don't want any trouble," says Scott, fumbling in his pocket for his car keys. "Just leave me alone."

"Give us the book, child." says the girl, "and we will be merciful." It may be a trick of the light but it would appear as if they were closer than they were before. Scott mentally judges the distance between himself and his car and plans his flight. "We will take from you that which you care for, if you do not make right the balance. We are from without, and we change destiny with our whim."

The sky clouds over, and dark storm clouds begin to form as the temperature drops about ten degrees over the course of a minute. "You cannot have my book! Why are you bothering me?!" yells Scott, trying to will his legs into motion, trying to buy time. He does not want those things to touch him, and feels as though he should know what they are.

"That's two," says the girl, and they get closer still. "Answers given will be answers paid. You have become a lynch-pin of Things, Scott, and we seek the undoing of all things. Our Father wants you, but for now we will settle for your book. It's against the rules, give it to us."

Scott feels a strange urge to release the book, but holds it tightly to his chest. "Nooo!!!" he yells, then makes a run for his car. He hears dark giggles behind him, but runs with all his might, willing with all of his being that he escapes from these horrid creatures.

Does he make it?

  1. Scott makes it into his car. He peals out of the parking lot, seeing the children staring emptily at his retreating vehicle.
  2. Right as he grabs the door handle, he feels a crushing blow to his back, and teeth sink into his flesh.
  3. Deux Ex Machina

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