Stupid - Very Stupid

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 70972

You pop another nut in your mouth in absentminded ennui. The Zebroid roars in rage and swings a wicked looking black scythe off his back. "You have offended Xyrk, God of STD's!!" he states, spitting in your eye. You scream in agony and clutch at your eyeball as it bubbles and hisses with escaping steam. But there's no time to lament - the Zebroid is floating toward you, its hooves skimming across the river of pudding, while it spins the scythe in front of it. "Nyan nyan nyan!!" you stammer, jumping back just in time as the spinning scythe removes one of your poofy front locks of hair.

You try swimming away but find your clothes saturated with pudding...

  1. Eat your way to safety.
  2. Fight like an elf.
  3. Surrender and accept your fate gracefully.
  4. Hold the nuts hostage.

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