Having a ball

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 66560

Josh did indeed find a Remove Dead Body From Pilot button, but did he have the balls to press it? That turned out to not be a problem as there was also a Have Balls button.

"This car has a button for everything!" he exclaimed. And indeed it did; a large plaid button clearly marked EVERYTHING in six languages.

  1. Josh presses the Remove Dead Body From Pilot button,
  2. Josh presses the Remove Body From Pilot button. Kindly observe the absence of the word "Dead".
  3. Josh presses the Have Balls button.
  4. Josh presses the Everything button.
  5. Josh tries to press the Nothing button, but it's just painted on,.
  6. Scott, on account of being dead, utterly fails to point out that the Hindi label does not say "Everythting".

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