Josh Burbank: Star Trek Author

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 65789

"Dammit, Josh." Scott says, crouching down to look the insane man-child in the eyes. "We both know you are a drug-addled, near-immortal freak whose only decent quality is not shooting at innocents intentionally. When the heck did you get it together enough to write a half-way decent Star Trek novel? Of course...considering the other books this isn't difficult. Except for you! You're a freak! What the hell, Josh."
Josh drools for a little bit, then explains.

  1. Seems with enough Prozac Josh halluciantes he is is sane.
  2. Josh sold the rights to his name and likeness to Random House for beer money.
  3. Actually, the character of Josh Burbank is an art-house project done by the Humanities class at M.I.T. Josh, well, for the one on duty today, is really Arnold Z. Turkleton, financial expert.
  4. Josh of the FUTURE wrote the book. The FUTURE. Not the PRESENT. Or the, ah, forget it.

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