Martian Democracy

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 64701

"Sir! Trouble!" yells the yes-man, running into your office.

"What is it now," you say with annoyance.

"It turns out Mars has no oxygen! Many of our top constitutients are experiencing fainting spells, random mutation, and even Death!"

"Relax! Haven't you ever watched Total Recall? God-Emperor Elect Arnold is taking care of the problem for us even now."

"But can He succeed?!"

"As for that," you say, cupping your fingers. "We can do nothing but watch... and wait."

"You've got vaht you vant, Hillary Clinton!" Arnold roars. "Now give this people AIR!!"

"Hahahaha," Hillary chuckled. "I'm afraid I can't do that. And now we will bring back your old memories and convert you to the Democratic Party."


"See you at the party fundraiser!" Barack Obama laughed, punching Arnold in the face.


Hillary and Obama departed, and the technicians clustered around Arnold to erase his memories.

  1. Arnold rips free of the chair.
  2. Arnold cannot escape becoming a Democrat.

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