
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 63741

Josh Burbank emerges from his girlfriend's house after a long bout of loving.

  1. Josh is astonished he has a girlfriend.
  2. Josh is astonished his girlfriend is the President of the United States. Who knew hotty 21 year old Hooters waitresses could even -be- elected?
  3. Josh's girlfriend, whoever the hell he is, is kidnapped by aliens, who rip off her roof and throw it five miles away to land on some old people.
  4. Two foot high criminal midgets try to invade the house to loot, steal and commit horrible crimes. Josh stops them all.
  5. Hell freezes over.
  6. Josh gets his foot stuck in a vine planter.
  7. Josh becomes a hostage when a police chase ends with several insane circus freaks literally landing on the sidewalk in front of him.
  8. It turns out Josh's girlfriend is Scott Chen's sister. Scott has a drooling fit and attacks a neighbor's car with a piece of chalk the size of a baseball bat.
  9. Josh forgets how to hold his head up straight.
  10. Scott Chen comes up to show off his 'girlfriend', a blind kleptomaniac transexual named 'Boy'.

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