Fred and the DEs go to kill the dragon

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 62468

"We've still got business to attend to here." N explains, "We were sent to kill Minestus, the dragon. Is he not the one you were sent to kill too?"

"Indeed, he is." Fred shrugs but then frowns, "Wait... how... you're sent here? You implied you just 'travelled around' and 'were heroes'!" Fred interrogates them.

Nerozi, Shard, and Astra all exchange looks for a second before turning back to Fred. "We travel to where Kokoshin sends us, where we usually have a mission to accomplish. We also help other people while there!" N tries to explien, exasperated.

"Kokoshin... he's that 'scientist', yes? How does he know what problems other dimensions are having!?" Fred asks them, requesting more answers.

"He... he just does." Astra replies, and, trying to break an awkward situation, smiles at Fred and winks. Fred goes red, and decides to stay quiet for the rest of the trip. He was pretty sure both N and Shard smug looks on their faces right now.

One hour later...

Shard, the captain, and from what Fred could gather, the owner of the ship, called out: "Land has been found!", instead of a customary; 'Land ho', but nobody said anything. They filed out of the ship, and Fred realised he was at...

  1. ...the entrance to the Southern Caves of the Shreken mountains.
  2. ...Caemlyn, capital of Allaria. They needed to buy supplies for the cave trek.

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