Its A Deal

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 61202

Fred says "Okay have a deal. But first, the armor."

Zane removes a small key from his robes and hands it to Fred "There is a chest right over there", pointing to the corner, "Go suit up and we'll be off!"

Fred walks over to the chest, pushes the key into the lock, turns, and opens the lid. The set of armor inside the chest does not look any different than any other set of plate armor he has seen. Fred begins to wonder...

"Old Wizard!" Fred says loudly, "What is the meaning of this? If this armor is so magical, how come theres no glow to it? Shouldn't it be glowing?"

"Ah Yes!" Zane responds, "The old glowing armor! So many wizards imbibe magical armor with a glow! But not this wizard...oh no!"

"And why not?" asks Fred.

Zane walks over to Fred, gets his old haggard face 3 inches away from his and says "Do you realize how many times heros such as yourself have gotten themselves killed hiding from an enemy and the enemy would have passed them right by had it not been for a set of DAMNED GLOWING ARMOR!?"

Fred thinks about this for a moment and says "Point taken."

Rikki observes this exchange between the two, a grin slightly curling his rat-like snout.

Fred says "Let us be off!"

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