Decisions to be made . . .

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 60873


This . . .is not at all what I expected when I had first gotten captured by the Dragon's minions and chain to the walls back at it's lair. . .

Frankly, beyond a certain vicious thrill it gave the dragon (somehow) I somehow envisioned that IF I was not soon to be rescued (people from my own kingdom or by some brave soul from . . . another land) that I would soon end up as . . . food.

. . .

Imagine what I would have said to a foolish person who would say that THIS should have befallen me!

Then again . . .as I look over at the little ones nursing from. . .

Nursing from the one who just interrogated the one who. . .had sired them . . .

Merciful Mother of Amazons . . .I'm . . .

Any children that should come after this I will sire and . . . and . .

Either Synizn or . . . .Rei will give birth to them! I . . .they . . .

Our hearts are . . . one. Somehow I know this beyond doubt we . . .are . . .

Well . . .

Hm, if what Rei says is true (and Synizn says that she cannot lie at this moment in time) then I shall never be human again.

Why am I feeling rather . . . relieved about that news? I mean . . . the thought of me having EVER been so . . . big and . . . gross. This size seems so right, somehow.

And being able to change for is rather . . .exciting, really. Cannot wait when there is time to feel the wind through my fur as I . . .

. . . .

Let us not even THINK about how I shudder at having ever to return to the monthly . . .

Uh, let us just say that I believe that my adjustment to being male has mostly solidified and HOW.

I find that when I look at Rei and Synizn I . .. . really like them.

Oh good, why not just go off on wild tangents than concentrate on the IMPORTANT stuff, ASTRA!

Yes, let us concentrate on the facts. Facts like: our young female kitsune IS able to recall everything, including her original identity. She IS linked to me and Synizn through some quirk of fate (which I would not change for the world). Our freedoms and future are at stake, forfeit if Rei's captors should again capture us.

We must lay low and be careful, but for how long and where?

Do not fancy the idea that my children and mates (Synizn and Rei) should spend our days in our fox forms, hiding out in some filthy fox den like simple beasts! My dignity cannot stand that thought. Would be what the kitsune would want and expect (and one step down the road to break us), forcing us to do that.

They'd expect such a move, really...

That and I do not rather fancy living on raw meat . . .So, that means we must chose some remote spot, a building, which is not abandoned. One which through magical disguise we may be able to blend in enough to make forays about for food and such, but with nooks and crannies where my family and I can hole up and hide from searchers.

That . . . might work and I hope it does! Point in fact, being that that is the only plan I and Synizn seem to be able to come up with I do not come up with anything else kind of precludes anything else, short of surrender (which we are NOT doing).

. . .

But in the meantime I find that I'm . . .rather peckish right now and . . .I fear that my stomach is rumbling loud enough for just about anyone to hear it at fifty yards! Not good...

Is that actual food I smell coming from that rather boxy contraption made of glass and metal over there?

Note: having actually visited Japan in the past I can indeed say that they do have vending machines out there that vends things beyond sodas and candy bars. There are vending machines that not only vend meals (of a Japanese venue, of course, but then again it IS their nation) but also . . . beer. Weak beer, of course, but still bear... just to give you and idea here.

Where to hide, I wonder? Something tells me (a feeling) that at least some people out there are actual human beings (albeit a very strange set). They cannot ALL be that bitch kitsune's henchmen like what had almost captured us earlier!

Where? Perhaps at one of those temples that Rei, during the course of her interrogation, said that "regular" kitsune would have a problem crossing onto (something about santificed grounds)? It may work . . . but then again did she not say that SHE is a kitsune? Though somewhat different, somehow? What about US?

Perhaps some of those dwellings off in the distance? Strange seeming places that are so many people so close together! Unnatural. Then again Synizn's magicks may hide our true nature whilst we find a corner to hide away in. That and maybe if, as Rei says, kitsunes we soon shall be we may soon find we can assume different forms besides humanoid foxes (or full foxes) . . .

Some place of business nearby here?! Might work with the same advantages (and disadvantages of perhaps someone wrong seeing something our magics fail to hide or just fails at the wrong time)...

  1. Hm, let us awaken Fre . . . er . . . Rei and see if SHE has anything to add to this discussion.

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