An Inconvenient Truth

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 59628

The davar said nothing, and let Hesht tell the story of the events from the time that he and Astra left the village of Golabi to the meeting at the Old Frontier Road. Hesht managed to keep his stuttering under control. The davar learned that the the journey had lasted three days. It rained heavily the first day, and they stayed at an abandoned fort. It was clear on the second, and they stayed at the home of one of Hesht's friends. They found a horse, and made good time to Darvazde Yepenhan, when they met Gog and Magog.

Hesht said, "The two men looked threatening, and moved to block our way to Darvazde Yepenhan." Here he froze. Nothing he had said to this point should have caused alarm. But now he looked down and hesitated to tell the truth.

First, Hesht had a feeling that Astra might be in some trouble. Hesht was unaware of Gilder's inquiry into the murder of the two guards. He thought that an accusation of assault would be unlikely to stick, as Astra had been knocked out early, but he was concerned her being possibly charged with illegal duelling. Duelling was the perogative of the high-born, and while it was permitted, it was strictly regulated by the King. Hesht could not now remember if the men of the town had found Gog, or if they had, what he might have said. He thought that Felfel had told them that Gog had been found and was telling lies, but now that he was talking to the davar, Hesht had forgotten exactly what was said. But even if the officers of the city had found Gog, Hesht was certain that Gog would know better than to declare that he himself had taken part in an unregulated duel. But Astra did not know the laws of Hespan, and might have told the davar the truth. She should be safe, now that she was across the border. However, although Penhan was independent, there were powerful men in Hespan who might able compel a duke to comply with their wishes if Astra's crimes seemed serious.

Furthermore, he felt that the truth reflected badly on him. It was his duty to protect Astra, and he had failed. He should have been more forceful, and urged her on at any cost. Maybe they could have outrun the thugs. He thought of his subsequent efforts as merely a poor fix to a problem that he should have seen. He did not know that others might see his actions in a better light.

Hesht thought about lying to the davar. Maybe he should say that he initiated the duel? After all, that would be more believable to the davar. And while such actions were technically illegal, there were many in Hespan who would look upon it as youthful exhuberence, and something that really did not damage one's reputation. A Hespaniard woman, on the other hand, would never think of doing something that outlandish! And if Astra had told the davar that inconvenient fact, then Hesht could say that it was a well-intentioned but clumsy lie to protect him from being charged.

Or he could just say that a fight took place, without going into details as to how it started. If the davar had questions, he could ask, but he should not volunteer information.

He looked up, into the face of the davar. He could not speak! He had trouble breathing.

The davar placed his hands together, upright, with just the tips of his fingers together. He leaned forward a little, and said, "Hesht, just tell me what happened. If you did something that you should not have done, it will go much better for you if you tell me now."

Suddenly, for just a short period of time, the stutter was gone. It was as if Hesht had no control over what he was saying.

  1. Hesht tells the truth, including Astra's initiation of the challenge.
  2. Hesht takes responsibility for the duel.
  3. Hesht manages to gloss over the events leading to the fight, and talks about the fight and its aftermath.

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