Better Late Than Never

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 58216

Just as Fred was getting hopeful, One-Eyed Pete showed up, reeking of rotgut and with a saloon whore under each arm. "Come on out, Priscilla!" he hollered. "I found ya some handmaids for our weddin!"

When he saw Fred he began to laugh uncontrollably and said "You fools made the clown into a sherriff? Well now if that don't beat all! Heck, I'm in such a good mood though I might let the clown sherriff live - if he dance for me some more!"

Good, Fred thought, he's drunker than me. That gives me an edge. Let's see. He's not too far away right now - I could just rush him with my dirk and put an end to it. But that would go against the Code of the West! Instead I could lead him on a wild goose chase around town and hope he falls and breaks his neck. Ah, but then I could become a laughingstock. Or, I could...

But just then Prissy jumped out with a hunting rifle. "Die!" she said, raising it to her hip and firing at One-Eyed Pete.

  1. Prissy pegs One-Eyed Pete in the brain.
  2. Prissy misses Pete and hits one of the whores instead.
  3. Prissy misses Pete, and the bullet ricochets to hit Fred. Ha!

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