A Whole New Beginning

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 57206

Fred had finally punched a wall through his enclosure, and after a couple of minutes making a hole big enough for his body he finally succeeded and crawled out.

The first thing Fred noticed was how bright it was, of course that wasn't that surprising just because of how dark it was inside wherever it was he was inside of. However Fred did think it was strange that two black smoke like lines were right in front of his face, but Fred figured that might have just been because he was in the dark so long and was still adapting to the light.

What Fred did think was odd was that he was around the same spot as he was before in the room with lots of eggs, but amazingly the eggs had grown to an enormous size. They were all about his size in fact. Baffled Fred looked around himself and noticed shards of an egg were all around him. However while looking around Fred saw some things a lot more interesting then egg shards. For one rather then having muscled hairy arms covered in armor he had skinny scaly forelegs.

It didn't take long for Fred to figure out what happened. Evidently dragon eggs have some strange property to prevent things from disturbing them and when Fred held the egg it activated the defense mechanism. This somehow transported Fred inside the egg and transformed him into a dragon. Fortunately for Fred his brain was the same as before... it hadn't been dragonified. However to Fred this was about the worst possible punishment anybody could give him. Rather then being a dragonslayer now he would have to live out a life as a dragon, but even worse he was a baby dragon.

Before Fred could figure out a plan on what he should do he heard someone coming.

  1. It was the dragon
  2. It was a knight
  3. It was a magician
  4. It was... Fred?

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