Playing it softly...or not!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 56796


"As far as I can tell it's identical in every respect to the one that I gave 'my' Astra," this reality's version of that so very odd (but charming in his own quirky fashion) Dr. Vincent I had met back upon Terra Prime finally puts out. "So it should be possible to summon Pronklezilch with it."

Very good! That saves us a long trip and time we really cannot afford to waste! Granted that we can travel at a much higher speed than what trains on my world could achieve (let us not mention what we could achieve in my natural form), but still why fly if one can use "teleportation" magicks?

And IF we are successful in that endeavor, the next part shall have to be played very softly indeed! It is our hope that with Dr. Vincent here present will have a calming influence on Pronklezilch here when he arrives and asked . . . certain questions. Enough so that we shall not have to use force to settle matters!

Well, whatever the case you better not have me summon him, Artizza 5 mentally says rather fiercely to us, excluding the resident Dr. Vincent from a brewing argument. I . . . do not care to think if I should be forced to try to speak to that . . . "man" even IF he might not be the same bastard who left me and my Fertal in such a dangerous situation on PURPOSE!

. . .

Meaning that she well might just fly into a rage and kill him outright before? . . . Oh yes, indeed she means exactly that.

Actually, I really cannot fault her for that even though "her" Pronklezilch shall not be the one appearing when those magical ear rings of hers are activated. I would be a "little sore" myself after such a betrayal.

As it is the other Companions also voice reservations about using the earrings for summoning "Pronky" for various reasons. Myself? I still am rather new to the Arte and this means, of course, I cannot successfully cast the cantrips necessary to activate it (still have not gotten to that level of expertise, alas). Yes, if the holes in my earlobes had not closed after I had drank that healing elixir (re: 50340) back in Xanth (ironic that those old "wounds" should heal instead of the legacy left by Dracula but then again Inquirer HAD said stronger magicks might have been needed) . . .

Oh, the legacy of Dracula's markings upon me (both magical and otherwise . . . cannot BELIEVE that even in my hear of hearts I secretly desired that dried up corpse) . . . .

. . .

Urmph, anyway since my earlobes still are unpierced (indeed my whole body was unblemished) upon the Rules and Agents granting me my rightful form as a dragoness I cannot activate them by putting them onto my ears and twisting them. Unless the proper cantrip "workarounds" are used, they are useless to me and of course I do not feel like jamming them on (drawing blood) to just activate them, thank you!

. . .

On top of the many "quirks" picked up over before or during my transfiguration (where exactly did I pick up a fetish for scarfs, from Khaos or from all that time of hiding the scars on my neck as a human being?) I fear I did NOT pick up a masochistic streak, you see.

Besides, there really is no other person her suitable for summoning Pronklezilch and even before I give voice to that I see that the Doctor has already figured that one out.

Actually, pretty much everyone else except Dr. Vincent had figured that one out. Even if he’s not one given to wearing such things, he IS adept enough magically in being able to USE them.

Besides this, if nothing else and Pronklezilch is like the one’s we’ve encounterd before (us or the bawdy girls) I do not believe he should attack a friend he’d given this jewelry in the first place to use, correct?

Moments later . . .

A flash of light and a puff of smoke and he is here in the flesh.

Sigh, too bad he has the same ghastly fashion sense as his other self. Myself, I find that I am more prone in following fashion (being what dragons are and all that) but still . . . even IF one is a mage does one have to be so . . . uncreative in their fashion sense? Almost a stereotype, really. . . .

. . .

I mean, I can get used to the idea of women wearing trousers (especially considering the career field that people like Inquirer got into, soldiering is NOT a occupation that can be done realistically in a dress I rather believe). No, I understand that even IF I was first taken aback by her choice in clothing (and then being taken aback again in surprise in finding out that she’d been a soldier, something unheard of in my Victorian time and world). I am just saying that there are decided design limitations to wearing robes (like a lack of pockets for one). . .

. . . .

Sigin swears by them, pockets. Thought that they were the best thing since "sliced bread".

Well, anyway . . .

"Pronky" has a rather put upon look, drawing out a wand in anger as if to blast whoever had dared summon him only to draw up short in surprise at seeing Dr. Vincent.

"Ah, so nice of you to come so swiftly," Dr. Vincent smiles, greeting him as if missing hostile intentions.

  1. Or more like misinterpreting hostile actions as being directed towards whoever had necessitated his summoning rather than the summoner himself? Possible. . .

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