Or we could try *this*....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 56577

Artizza 5

Hey, I have a question for you Freda and Astra, "my" Fertal (Fertal 5, life-mate and soon to be husband!) begins, sharing with the whole of the group in this discussion.

Something tells me that this might be important! But even trivia would leave me hanging on every word! I so VERY much want him right now and . . . !

. . .

Uh, let us leave off at that and concentrate on the here and now, Artizza!

Now, I don't want to alarm you, so brace yourself, Fertal 5 continues. But . . .

That is, of course, when it seems that Fate decides to interrupt whatever my love was to ask. It does this in the form of one of our own party members: Inquirer!

Not griping, mind you, but I do have to wonder what was going to be said or asked! Still, usually when the female golem speaks, you would be VERY wise to listen! Has a very good head on her shoulders: Inquirer!


I am SO glad to have cover "this" particular base and keep the ol' tricorder running and scanning for "splashes" (sudden energy surges associated with the magic/science teleportation that one Dr. Vincent is known for), in addition to a few other things we needn't go into right now. Suffice to say, though, I know that with this being a rather "ad hoc" operation and we still do not have everything I would rather like for it, but at least the standard tricorders my group's equipped with can be tweeked into (barely) managing to track for such things.

. . .

I sure do wish that we could just GET them to be able to scan the surrounding terrain for this reality's quantum signature, compare it to our bawdy girls' sig and be DONE with it. Then again for various reasons that just cannot be DONE right now.

Sigh. Well, we do what we can with what we have. Myself, I made mine do the autoscan thing in case that the situation that my new elf friends described (re: 4234) happens.

Thanks to Dad and Mom--you know, Probe and Evis 7?-- taking up the slack while my groups running around looking under rocks and all that for the bawdy girls' home plane I know for a solid fact that "their" Dr. Vincent did NOT teleport onto the beach, ever. Not by accident nor all the while looking for them for all those months they'd gone missing until mid-summer back on that world.

That particular Vincent seems to be a more of a "stay at home" type, maybe...

Whatever the case, I'll bet good Mil creds that few to no people use a hybrid science/magic teleporter like I'd just detected. Say what you will about Dr. Vincent (whichever one you wish to mention), the man has a way of melding two VERY different fields of methodology together in VERY interesting ways. Doubt that anyone else in the realities that have a Vincent could do it.

Would call him a singular fellow IF it weren't for the fact of reality hopping and all that!

Still . . . .whatever the case we STILL could have SOME use of this reality before we beat feet! Maybe, just maybe . . . we can get our two "bawdy girls" fixed somehow before we leave? See, I have this idea . . .

But wait for that for a moment, okay?

"We got a hit on the 'tri' and it is saying that this is NOT the bawdy girl's reality," I shout over the noise of the wind, waving my tricorder. I then go onto explain the ins and outs of what I'm talking about.

Of course, we must follow up just in case that "splash" really ISN'T Dr. Vincent. If it is not, then we'll proceed with our original plan, which I rather prefer than a visit to dear ol' Queen B*tch's court. Be our luck that we WOULD be in the right reality (the bawdy girls') but right at the time where their queen had gone missing and turn on us, thinking we (rightly) had something to do with their missing royal.

Don't fancy fighting our way out of that one OR the long flight time just to make sure of such things. Then again, I'd rather have done THAT than gone directly to where Pronky may (or may not) live and try to beard him in his own lair. Yeah, if the town or house of his isn't here then the trip would have been worth it in enlightening us to the fact that this isn't the world we need. Fine, that but if we have to do into a fortified position of a mage (a mage TOWER)?

. . .

Look, back in the Military I know that trying to take a fortified position (ground, space or whatever) is murderously dangerous. Just ask some of those soldiers from the U.S. Civil War who went through "Pickett's Charge" what that's like. Ugly and bloody!! Now, throw in magic booby traps and defenses?

. . . .

I myself as a mage have rooms the TARDIS that I go to where nobody (and I mean NOBODY) comes into without my say so! Yeah, sometime for some "me time" but a lot of times for magical study where distractions could be . . . . painful for me or the interrupter. I put up wards and other magical things to avoid just that and I shudder to think what Pronky would put on his place we'd have to go through if he didn't feel like letting us in when we come a knockin'! Would be really sad if we got inside only to find out that nobody is HOME, eh, on top of that!!

No, the idea was if we must hunt him we pray to catch him out in the open.... Thus we wanting to try the bawdy house and a few other sights and such for reasons we'd just mentioned, alright? That way we don't run as BIG of risk as our bawdy girls getting KILLED than otherwise. That and I rather don't fancy the idea of any of my friends (and ME) getting injured in the bargain....

Creator, I do hope that that is Dr. Vincent on the beach up ahead. Even with MY eyesight I cannot tell for sure through the small gap between the trees of the figure I'd just spotted....

If so, then maybe he can be of use in a fashion? Bet you he is looking for the native Astra and Fred and how NICE it would be for him to perhaps modify (if only a little bit) those magical ear rings that "our" Artizza 5 still sports to summon the "native" Pronky for a friendly chat?

Hey, maybe this guy is a good fellow and if we ask nicely he'll change the bawdy girls?

If he's not and he turns hostile (AND Vincent cannot calm things down), I'll settle for taking that Crystallic (or whatever) off of his steaming corpse!! But first let us try to be friendly, THEN be whatever we need be. . . .

. . . .

  1. "Dr. Vincent I presume?" I call to the man (looks like him) as we crest the trees, startling him a little bit.

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