The Wrong Reality

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 53179


"It's him - Pronklezilch!" Bawdy Girl Astra gasps. (We must think of a better way of identifying her, as that is hardly a fair description, even though she and Freda are still not wearing very much at all. They say that they feel more comfortable that way.) We have brought the two of them along because we need their help in identifying whether we have come to the right reality or not. If we have, then we will leave them here, assuming that that is what they want. (I'm not sure that they've quite made up their minds about that.)

Pronklezilch gazes at our party in astonishment. "You seem to have the advantage of me," he tells Astra. "You know me, it appears, but I don't recognise you."

"This may well not be the correct world and hence not 'your' Pronklezilch," Inquirer reminds Astra. "But I have a nasty feeling about those two beautiful unicorns. I think that we may have arrived just too late to avert yet another transformation. Tell me, wizard: were those unicorns until very recently a handsome knight and a tall woman with striking red hair, by any chance?" There is a dangerous edge to her voice. Those of us who know her well recognise the warning signs. Pronklezilch doesn't have that advantage, of course.

  1. "What if they were?" he asks truculently. "What business is it of yours? Who are you people, anyway?"

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