The Antidote

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 514

Fred certainly wasn't prepared for this... He was supposed to be hunting the dragon! Now he is a dragon. ...or at least he looks like one. Which might even be worse! People would hunt him and he wouldn't have the dragon powers he'd need to defend himself. "This is bad," Fred said to himself.

Fred layed down and tried to to think this situation through reasonably. The only solution he could come up with would be to wait for the hag to wake up and ask her for the antidote.


Eventually the hag woke up. When she came to, she saw Lord Fred, the dragon, sharing the room with her. She shreiked, "You fool! What have you done! You drank the brew, didn't you! You idiot!"

Fred interrupts her, "Look, I'm sorry... I was just soooo hungry. I didn't know I would turn into a dragon. Can you help me?"

"What? You want me to help you? After what you did to me? You deserve to be a dragon. Think of it as your punishment..."

Fred was getting pretty annoyed. "Look," he said, "either you help me, or I try out my new dragon breathe on you. What's your preference, regular, or extra crispy?"

"Woah... Slow down. No need to be rash here. Of course I can help you. But before I will do so, I require a task from you. What do you say?"

  1. Fred agrees.
  2. Fred roasts her.

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