Freda agrees

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 51097

"Okay!" Freda said cheerfully, after giving the witch's offer a thought.

Astra was furious. "How can you be so stupid? Can't you see she just wants to keep you fat until she can eat you, too?"

There was something in Freda's glance that made Astra feel ill at ease. She decided to change her tone. "Come on now, how about fighting the evil witch together? Once we've finished her, we can both get out of here for good!"

Freda stared at her blankly. The old crone burst out in laughter. "I thought you were the smart one, Astra, but you seem a bit slow on the uptake after all. Your friend won't help you, she has succumbed to the control of a superior mind."

"Now," she added, looking at Astra up and down, "which recipe should I use? I wonder how you'll taste the best."

At this moment, Astra made a run for it. She tried to slip past the witch and out the door.

  1. She managed to do so, only the find herself face to face with the crone's pet ogre in the sitting room.
  2. But Freda caught her by the shoulder, and held her tight while the witch approached them.

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