A Fair Cop?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5056

"Interfering in the story-line again, Seeker and Lots42?" asks one of the two cops, more in sorrow than in anger. "Calling yourselves 'Sir' doesn't fool us, you know. I'd hoped that when Fred and Astra went through the portal into the future, you'd have lost track of them. Then we could have had a straightforward story about their adventures in the modern world - though with scope for plenty of humour as they attempted to adjust."

  1. The Continuity Police remove Sir Seeker and Sir Lots42 from the story-line, and leave Fred to continue through the tunnel alone.
  2. The Continuity Police are simply written out of the story-line by either Sir Seeker or Sir Lots42.
  3. The Continuity Police rewind the story to the beginning of 5047: That night, back in the men's cell, Fred is lying awake on the hard dungeon bed...

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JH (half joking, half serious - every time an author makes an appearance, I find it hard to retain belief in the story)

10/19/1999 10:32:13 AM

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