The Chamber Of Riddles Wrapped Inside Enigmas Wrapped Inside A Tasty Pancake

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 50196

The dog, with it's near infinity capacity to cause Fred trouble, leads our bold hero into an unlit chamber. Velus, sensing that his work here is done until we need to get to the next episode, comes to a halt. Just as Fred was about to beat the dog over the back of the head, garish lights flicker on, temporarily blinding the dog and Fred, as well as saving us from lawsuits for fictional animal cruelty.

As their sight begins to adjust to the lights, they see three disgruntled looking teenagers standing behind some kind of podiums, with a tall, dark robed figure standing in the middle. Springing into action, Fred leaps towards the robed figure (black robed figures, reasons Fred, must be evil or, at the very least, somewhat naughty).

"Die, evil-black-robed-stereotype!" cries Fred, unleashing a flurry of blows upon the figure.

A minute later, the figure turns around to see Fred flailing ineffectually at the air a few inches in front of her.

"Mere mortal," the female voice booms, "you cannot harm me, for you are nothing but a coward. To complete your destiny, you must pass the test!"
"And.. what is the test, exactly?" questions Fred, who had given up flailing ineffectually at the figure in favour of conserving his energy.
"Answer the riddle. Who is... the Weakest Link?"

  1. "Disgruntled Teenager Number One!"
  2. "Disgruntled Teenager Number Two!"
  3. Decide that it's all rather too silly, and walk away.
  4. Attack the robed figure once more!

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