So Darn

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 48329

Saddam lectures Lord Fred, Josh Burbank AND Scott Chen.
"So." he says, in highly accented English. "When the American forces say they are going to kick your ass, RUN."

  1. Saddam shares more advice.
  2. This episode and most of it's parent episodes are deleted.
  3. The American Millitary has declared war on Josh and Scott.
  4. Someone confuses Josh Burbank with Sir Josh. Fortunately, not the millitary.
  5. The American Millitary declares war on Sir Josh and that guy who writes and draws 'Get Fuzzy'.
  6. Josh makes fun of Saddam for living in a spider hole.
  7. Scott does not understand what a spider hole is and freaks out.
  8. Several dozen three foot high spiders run by.

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