Blinded by the Light

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 48169

"Who are you?" Fred asked.

"There's no time for introductions now," the woman replied. Even as she spoke, the orb that she was holding was glowing more and more brightly, till it was so brilliant that Fred and Astra had to look away. But still the light waxed till, even with their gaze averted, all they could see was a blaze of whiteness.

Then the light abruptly went out. For a short time everything seemed totally black, but then their eyes began to adjust to the comparative dimness and they could see their surroundings again.

  1. Nothing seemed to have changed. "That should have stopped him," the woman said.
  2. Fred and Astra realised that their collars had vanished.
  3. The three of them were no longer in the temple chamber.
  4. In the plain wooden chair now sat Dr Vincent. "A neat illusion that, wasn't it?" he said, sounding pleased with himself.

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