Game 1

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 46952

Before you or Betty-2 could speak another world, you find yourslef elsewhere. The place is deep, dark, and mysterious. "We get sent somewhere else just when things are starting to get interesting," you sigh. "Isn't that so typical of Game 3?" "I don't think we're still in Game 3," says Betty-2. "We're in second-person present tense now. We could have gotten enough points for introducing Gloria to Scotty and now we're in another game. Although I know this isn't Game 2. Why are you the viewpoint character and not me, anyway?"

"Beats me," you say. You examine the menacing but nondescript staircase that loomed ahead of her. "Something feels deeply wrong about this place," you say.

"I guess this is Game 1, then," says Betty-2. "I vaguely remembering it having an opening a bit like this... Well, Game 1 wasn't very substantial, so hopefully we'll be out of it before long. Where's Stacy, by the way?"

  1. Stacy steps out of the darkness nearby.
  2. She does not appear after some time.
  3. Then, the three Masters appear!

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