Nothing But the Truth

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 46764

Still keeping his weapon firmly aimed at the four heroes, the Valinor raised his right fist. His eyes were keen, and Exotica was sure that if she tried to escape it would be hopeless. Besides, where would they go to? They were in the Frozen Wastelands of the North and would gain nothing but icy death.

She could see that he was wearing a golden gauntlet with tubes that seemed to be made of glass set in it in a pattern resembling an eye. They were filled with mercury. The man moved his fingers in a stylized way and chanted eerily beautiful words. The mercury in his gauntlet began to glow purple.

Exotica felt something slam into her. Her thoughts felt strange, almost as if she was drunk. She closed her eyes and could see the eye looming ahead of her.

  1. Exotica is helpeless to resist the magic.
  2. She has studied some magic secretly herself, and attempts to resist the magic.

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