A Better Sword

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 45297

The little man waddled around Fred this way and that, twiddling his thumbs and muttering to himself, waiting for Fred to decide what it was he wanted. From time to time he would stop in his tracks, gaze into Fred's eyes and then shake his head while making strange tutting noises.

Fred grew increasingly irritated by the little man's habits and at last could bear it no longer: "Desist O short-ass!" he bellowed.

The little man appeared to be taken aback, not so much by the ferocity of Fred's tone as by the fact he had used a rude word.

"Oh, there's really no need for that kind of language! You know that resorting to potty- mouthage is the sign of a stunted intellect, don't you? Hmm? Well it is, you know."

"JUST - err, just give me a better sword." Fred responded, turning down the volume after the first word as he realised that shouting was unlikely to get him anywhere.

The little man stopped moving and looked inquisitively at Fred, as if he were waiting for something else to be said.

"Err, - please?"

The little man, who was indeed so short that he barely came up to Fred's knees, continued to peer at the knight:

"'Better'? How 'better'? In what way 'better'? Hmm? Hmmm? In terms of length? Sharpness? Design? Manufacture? Retail value? Newness? Hmm? Hmmm?"

The little man began to wander among Fred's legs as if they were trees in a strange forest, thoughtfully thumbing his chin with one hand while the other was placed behind his back, all the while emitting irritating noises evidently intended to speed up Fred's decision- making processes.

Fred thought for a moment and then

  1. replied "All of them".
  2. ran away, hoping to shake off the annoying little man
  3. sliced the short librarian in twain with his as-yet unimproved sword

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